Why Are You Like This? by Meg Adams

Why Are You Like This?

by Meg Adams

A collection of comics with a millennial take on marriage, adulthood, pet ownership, self-love, and self-care. 

Finally, comics that answer life’s most pressing questions: Is my partner actually upset or just hangry? Whose turn is it to remember the reusable shopping bags? Is it appropriate to put up Halloween décor two months in advance? (Spoiler alert: Yes. Yes, it is.) 

“Opposites attract” has never rung truer when it comes to vivacious extrovert Meg and her level-headed introvert husband, Carson. Carson makes his coffee with only the finest locally roasted beans; Meg microwaves two-day-old joe. Carson is reserved and rarely opens up to friends; Meg ensures everyone in her life—including her mailman—knows about her hemorrhoid. From the joys of marrying your best friend to the bizarre musings of a twelve-pound pup to the humour and heartbreak of anxiety, Meg’s all-too-relatable comics leave no stone unturned. Dorky and downright hilarious, Why Are You Like This? explores what it means to make fun of oneself and find laughter in the little things.

Reviewed by Quirky Cat on

4.5 of 5 stars


Book Summary:

Who doesn't love millennial humor? Why Are You Like This? Is a collection of comics about millennial life, including marriage, adulthood in general, self-love, self-care, pet ownership, etc. It's perfect if you need help looking at your life and finding something to laugh about!

But seriously, Why Are You Like This? Is a sweet and humorous comic about daily life and perspective.

My Review:

If you need a good laugh, may I recommend reading Why Are You Like This? The title alone does an excellent job of giving you an idea of what sort of humor you'll find within the pages.

Meg and Carson couldn't be more different. One is an introvert, the other an extrovert. You'd think that wouldn't work – but it does! This combination is also fairly common, so I feel like many readers will relate to the humorous situations this couple finds themselves in.

Obviously, my favorite arcs revolved around the pets and other chaotic humor. It's far too relatable, and I love it! The romantic moments were both sweet and funny, which is always appreciated. Read this if you need a smile.

Slice of Life
Opposites Attract Comic/Romance

Thanks to Andrews McMeel Publishing and #NetGalley for making this book available for review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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  • Started reading
  • 7 April, 2023: Finished reading
  • 7 April, 2023: Reviewed