Reviewed by Romance Schmomance on

5 of 5 stars

First of all, if you're reading this and haven't even read Dark Light, get out of here, buy the book, and read away! Anyways, I absolutely LOVE that this book started right where it left off in The Dark Light, so I definitely appreciated that! There was no unanswered questions, just what I like. I swear, once you start this book, you won't be able to put it down. I finished it in one sitting, don't worry food & bathroom breaks were taken, and I was up until the wee hours of morning.

"The man before me is my heart and soul. Every part of me screams for him, yearns for him. And even if he has lied to me, I can't deny what I feel for him. I just can't turn it off."

I can't even get over how strong this book started! Love truly conquers all, their love is so strong, one side of him wants to kill, but his other side is still able to love. And love stops him from not finishing what he was set to do; kill Gabriella! She was ready to die to save him, talk about love right there. A hard sacrifice! This book will pull your emotions in so many different directions, it's ridiculous, but I was a fan of it all. I'd be full on sad, heart strings being pulled to the max ... then super happy, things were exactly how they should be ... then it wasn't ... then it was, it's seriously like a battle. Don't worry, you'll get plenty of steaminess in this book from Gabi & Dorian and so many humorous exchanges between the two.

Gabi has her own little war to deal with, I loved her a lot more in this book. Her character really develops and definitely matures by the end. She becomes more confident and is finally able to make a decision for herself. A lot lays on her plate, and hers alone, she's finally able to accept what lays ahead and takes it on full force.

New characters are introduced and you'll love the very sarcastic, yet gorgeous, Niko Skotos! I won't say much about him, except that I love him just as much as Dorian! So, read on and find out for yourself!

Now I'm sad that I have to wait til the Fall to read the 3rd installment for this series! I LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS BOOK!

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  • Started reading
  • 26 April, 2013: Finished reading
  • 26 April, 2013: Reviewed