The Beast of Clan Kincaid by Lily Blackwood

The Beast of Clan Kincaid (Highland Warrior, #1)

by Lily Blackwood

They call him the Beast--a hardened mercenary whose heart seems as cold as his icy blue gaze. They do not know his true name: Niall Braewick, son of the Laird of Kincaid. It has been years since he escaped into the forest the night his father was murdered. Now he has returned, ablaze with a vengeful hunger. He will gain the MacClaren chief's trust, gather his clan, and take back his lands. And take the MacClaren's daughter as well... Though he pulled her from the river, saving her life, Elspeth has been warned to keep her distance from her father's hired warrior. He is a barbarian--a shame, as he is far more compelling than the lechers and fools competing for her dowry. Little does she know that, like the castle itself, she is a prize Niall intends to claim... but will he extract blood for blood and possess what is his, or will his enemy's beautiful, innocent daughter tempt him to forsake his dream of conquest?

Reviewed by stacey_is_sassy on

4 of 5 stars


Will The Beast choose love or revenge?

I love historical romances and Scottish Highland ones are definitely some of my favourites. Strong men who are loyal, protective and passionate who go along their merry way until the one wee lass throws their world off kilter. In The Beast of Clan Kincaid that is exactly what happens the minute Niall lays eyes on Elspeth. Oh, there’s drama, damsels in distress and fighting to get through before this couple can come together and there’s also the slight problem that Niall has plans to kill Elspeth’s father. She might not be so keen on that. But love is love and family is family so what’s a guy and gal to do?

Niall’s family died seventeen years ago when they were murdered by a rival clan. In that time, he has been plotting revenge on the family who murdered them and stole his home. In those years, Niall has amassed fortune and favour with the King as his mercenary. Niall’s true identity is not known past the name that was given to him because of his skills. He is widely known as The Beast. Determined to have his clan come back together and his home returned to him, he unwittingly manages to get invited into that home. The MacLaren wants to hire him on to protect his property. What better way for his plans to come together than to be able to overthrow from the inside? There’s only one slight problem…he’s got the hots for the daughter of his enemy.

Elspeth is living in her version of hell. Her stepmother, Bridget, doesn’t like her and those feelings are well and truly returned. Elspeth busts Bridget making out with one of her men at arms. Elspeth knows her father is ill, but that shouldn’t mean that Bridget should take it on herself to find pleasure elsewhere. Bridget decides to make Elspeth’s life hell by finding her the most despicable marriage prospects. Elspeth knows it's her duty to marry, but the two men chosen as prospects are gross, despicable and definitely unsuitable. She may also have a wee bit of a crush on the big, sexy Beast that has come to protect her home. That same Beast saves her life more than once which makes him even more appealing. Plus he kisses really, really well.

The Beast of Clan Kincaid was a great story that kept my interest from start to finish. We start with the very sad story that set Niall on his path for revenge. You cannot help but sympathise with him and want him to find his happiness. When he starts to question his path and whether his feelings for Elspeth are more important than revenge, you know that his feelings are real. Elspeth tries so hard to be the dutiful daughter, but she is also so tempted by a man who is not a suitable candidate to be her husband. The two of them fight so hard against their attraction. Each time they push away from each other you know that they are hurting themselves as much as the other.

This was a perfect example of why I love highlander romance. Niall’s devotion to Elspeth was strong. What is sexier than a fierce and strong man who can’t breathe if his loved one is not safe…and he admits it openly? Aaah…I love it. There was a sexual tension that jumped off the pages and when the couple finally come together it was very intense. The banter between the couple was lively and entertaining and Niall’s way of dealing with Elspeth’s sister was very sweet.

My only negatives would be that I found at times it felt like the story jumped a bit. One minute we’re in Niall’s mind and the next it is Elspeth’s and it's hours or days later. It was at times a little frustrating the use of Scottish terms that were not explained. I admit some were explained but other weren't. I don’t mind foreign words used in the books I read, as long as a definition is available without me having to go searching for answers.

This was the first story I have read by this author and definitely will not be the last. I can’t wait for the next one, especially after reading the little snippet at the end of The Beast of Clan Kincaid.

To pre-order The Beast of Clan Kincaid from Amazon -

I’m an Aussie chick who loves to read and review romance, drink coffee, be a Style Setter and stalk David Gandy. To see more of my reviews, fashion, food and pervathons -

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  • Started reading
  • 15 May, 2016: Finished reading
  • 15 May, 2016: Reviewed