Glow by Amy Kathleen Ryan

Glow (Sky Chasers, #1)

by Amy Kathleen Ryan

16 years ago, Waverly and Kieran were the first children born in space. Now a perfect couple, they are the pride and joy of the whole spaceship.

They represent the future.

The ship is their entire world.

They have never seen a stranger before.

Old Earth is crumbling, and the crew is hoping to reach (and colonise) New Earth within fifty years. Along with their allies on the second spaceship - who set off a year before them and whom they have never met.

One day, Kieran proposes to Waverly. That same morning, the 'allies' attack - and Kieran and Waverly are separated in the cruellest way possible. Will they ever see each other again?

Reviewed by Mackenzie on

2 of 5 stars

Oh Glow....and I was so looking forward to this book. :/ sad to say, this was not what I expected.

The Good:

The premise! this is what first drew me to this book! it sounded amazing! Girls taken away from their ship because another ship needs children? There are definitely a ton of possibilities as to where this book could go and this is what made me want this book so badly that I bought it the day it came out! And after reading Across the Universe and Inside Out I thought this would follow in its footsteps and turn out to be an amazing sci-fi. However, I was sadly disappointed.

The Bad:

Pretty much everything else.*sigh*

The world building...well there wasn't much of it! When it comes to sci-fi, or any world building for any genre really, I like to be able to picture it. All I know about this ship was that it was egg-shaped and that there were corridors. yeah, not much to go by now is it? Just a little more detail would have helped immensely!

The characters.....what characters? honestly, I felt NOTHING for them. This book should have been an emotional thrill ride! I mean, these girls are stolen from there ship!! I'd feel angry, sad, and defiant! Even though these characters may have "felt" that way, it wasn't portrayed very well. I couldn't.....connect with any of these characters. Instead of really being in the story, I felt very much outside of it. I felt that the author barely skimmed over the emotions, not really getting into the depth of them.

The religion....well I guess one good thing about this book is that she really surprised me with this aspect of the book! however, I'm not quite sure I like it. I guess i kinda like that she shows both sides of a religion however, it was pretty in your face. Instead of making it more implied, and letting the reader figure it out, it played a major role in the plot which for me, didn't really add anything to it. perhaps this was because she went a completely different direction that I was thinking? I feel that it was....unnecessary. I think there were other ways that she could have done this. Honestly, I have mixed feeling on this part and its up to the reader to decide.

The pacing: normally I comment on how the pacing was a little slow, well, not this time! it went by waaayyy to fast! it was bam, bam, BAM! everything just happened so fast and confused me! all of a sudden it's 5 months later! wait....WHAT?!?! How does that happen? I just feel like there were way to many gaps in this book. Had this book been much longer with many more details, I might've felt a little differently about it.

Overall, I didn't really care for this book. I didn't hate it (again, the premise was really interesting), but I certainly didn't like it. Will I read this next book? although this may surprise you, Yes. Simply because I am kinda interested to see where it goes. However, I will definitely be borrowing it from the library, not buying it. However, many people liked this book! so if this sounds interesting to you, then give it a try! We all have different taste, and who knows? you may end up loving this book!

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  • 24 September, 2011: Finished reading
  • 24 September, 2011: Reviewed