The Two Doctors Gorski by Rachel Fellman

The Two Doctors Gorski

by Rachel Fellman

Annae, a brilliant graduate student in psychiatric magic and survivor of academic abuse, can't stop reading people's minds. This is how she protects herself, by using her abilities to know exactly how her colleagues view her. This is how she escapes the torturous experience of her own existence.

When Annae moves to England to rebuild her life and finish her studies under the seminal magician Marec Gorski - infamous for bringing to life a homunculus made from his unwanted better self - she sees, inside his head, a man who is both a destructive force to everyone around him, and her mirror image. For Annae to survive, she'll need to break free of a lifetime of conditioning to embody her own self and forge her own path.

Reviewed by Quirky Cat on

4 of 5 stars


Book Summary:

Annae is a woman traumatized by her past. She was once the victim of academic abuse. Now, she uses her psychiatric magic to protect herself, creating a carefully curated bubble between her and the world.

When Annae crosses paths with Marec Gorski, it's like a light-bulb turning on. What she sees may be the path she's been looking for – her path to redemption. But it will not be an easy or safe path to take.

My Review:

Yikes. The Two Doctors Górski hits HARD. So consider yourselves warned. Isaac Fellman did a brilliant job of setting the scene. It's easy to connect with Annae, even as she spirals down a path that most of us would choose never to walk.

There are a lot of relevant points made in the undertones of this novella, as I'm sure even the description makes clear. If you've ever been burned by academia, this book will hit you all the harder, that much I can promise you.

This was a fascinating "what if" scenario for various reasons. One of my favorite elements about the tale is that Annae could see the path in Marec Gorski's head and thus had all the information necessary to make a certain decision. Interesting food for thought.

Urban Fantasy
Dark side of Academia

Trigger Warnings
Mental Health Concerns
Academic Abuse
Suicidal Ideation

Thanks to and #NetGalley for making this book available for review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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  • 1 January, 2023: Reviewed