The Gentleman by Forrest Leo

The Gentleman

by Forrest Leo

Distraught at the loss of his inspiration, Lionel Savage, a poet from Victorian London, accidentally conjures the Devil and realizes that he has inadvertently sold his rich wife's soul to him, and plots a rescue mission to Hell with an assortment of unlikely companions.

Reviewed by layawaydragon on

3 of 5 stars

Full Review Nov. 8th:

This one took a while to get into. I was not enjoying Lionel or his narrative. He’s pompous, elitist, and ridiculous. The reason I kept reading was because of the foot notes.

Things started rolling a quarter of the way through and really picked up with additions to the cast: his sister and brother in law. The conclusion though is the BEST.

The Gentleman is a humorous historical paranormal romance, but that’s a tame box to put it in. I wouldn’t say it’s action packed like the blurb though. It’s mostly talking, talking about others, previous conversations, reading, and poetry. It’s entertaining and got me chuckling but I wouldn’t say it’s “very, very funny” either.

Basically: It’s an unusual style, an acquired taste, and I enjoyed it the longer I read it. But it’s not for everyone. Preview it or borrow it

First Update Aug. 13th: That was...interesting? I still don't quite know what to make of it. Hmm. There was chuckling and enjoyment at least... I endevor to review this before publication or at least, the end of the month.

#ARCAugust #ReadThemAllThon

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 13 August, 2016: Finished reading
  • 13 August, 2016: Reviewed