The Boy Who Steals Houses by C.G. Drews

The Boy Who Steals Houses

by C.G. Drews

Can two broken boys find their perfect home? By turns heartbreaking and heartwarming, this is a gorgeously told, powerful story.

Sam is only fifteen but he and his autistic older brother, Avery, have been abandoned by every relative he's ever known. Now Sam's trying to build a new life for them. He survives by breaking into empty houses when their owners are away, until one day he's caught out when a family returns home. To his amazement this large, chaotic family takes him under their wing - each teenager assuming Sam is a friend of another sibling. Sam finds himself...

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Reviewed by nitzan_schwarz on

4 of 5 stars

Okay, so this is not going to be a long review but I did want to say a few things. First of all: I love Cait and her writing is SO RELATABLE. I feel like I'm talking to a friend so that naturally means I feel very connected to these characters. Which is why....


Seriously, can you just... not?

I general, I really loved these characters, thought the adults in Sammy and Avery's life were SHIT, *adored* the romance, and really wanted some more fun times. Like, is that really SO MUCH TO ASK for Cait???

Also, 10/10 autistic rep, loved seeing a "different kind" of autistic aside for the regular one who can't stand people touching them. There is more than one type of autism, after all. My brother & best friend is not the type often shown in the media, so people often don't realize their difficulties, and that both sucks and works for them because that also means there is less stigma. So, in general, we need to both educate people more AND erase all those stupid notions of needing "to fix" autistic people. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Also, I would really really want to know how come Sam is wanted for (show spoiler) while douchebag is apparently a saint when he (show spoiler)

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  • 19 May, 2018: Reviewed