Dog Training 101 by Kyra Sundance

Dog Training 101 (Dog Tricks and Training)

by Kyra Sundance

Whether you're welcoming a new puppy into your family or want to help your best friend overcome fears or problem behaviors, internationally renowned dog trainer and best-selling author Kyra Sundance presents your essential reference for positive dog training.

Using a visually driven, playful presentation, Dog Training 101 offers step-by-step instructions to train your pup to be a happy, attentive, and well-mannered canine. You will use positive training methods-including humane counterconditioning and positive redirection-to build a joyful relationship with your dog, who will become a willing partner in the process.

Teach your dog basic commands, such as:

  • Sit
  • Down
  • Stay
  • Come
  • Drop it
  • Leave it

Learn real-world tactics for managing common household problems, such as:

  • Leash pulling
  • Jumping on visitors
  • Begging at the table
  • Getting into the trash can
  • Growling
  • Peeing (submissive, excited, and marking)

Kyra will also help you teach your pup to overcome common fears, among them:

  • Loud sounds
  • Being left alone
  • Certain people
  • Vacuum cleaner
  • The bathtub

This comprehensive guide also includes step-by-step advice for bringing a new dog into your household: preparing for a new dog's arrival, tips for a smooth transition into the household, introducing him or her to your family, and acclimating your dog to his or her new world.

Fun games you can play with your dog offer both opportunities for bonding and a chance to practice rules and boundaries within a defined structure.

A "Good to Know" chapter offers an array of useful information, including the Heimlich maneuver for dogs, a list of weird things dogs do that are perfectly normal, and a list of common poisons.

Bond with your dog as you strive toward common goals with Dog Training 101.

Also by Kyra Sundance, learn to do even more with your dog with: 101 Dog Tricks; The Dog Tricks and Training Workbook; 51 Puppy Tricks; 10-Minute Dog Training Games; 101 Dog Tricks, Kids Edition; The Pocket Guide to Dog Tricks; Kyra's Canine Conditioning; and The Joy of Dog Training.

Reviewed by annieb123 on

4 of 5 stars

There are a lot of nice features in this book from Quarto publishing. It starts with a clickable interactive introduction and ToC

What follows is a good basic section of supplies and items to gather and modifying/dogproofing your house before you bring your new dog home.

There are thematically arranged teaching and modifying behavior chapters for such big things as vet visit behavior, toilet training, leash training, interacting with other family members (pets and children) etc.

Sections include 'Before you start''Troubleshooting' and 'Tips'. There are a number of gold nuggets in the tips and troubleshooting boxes, for example,

TIP! The grass surrounding the vet’s office has been pottied on by many sick animals. Avoid letting your dog step on those areas.

The sections on trick/command training are complete and well thought out. Commands such as sit, stay, come, drop it!, leave it, etc are explained step by step and supported with photographs of each stage in the training.

There are many training sections including advanced concepts such as acceptance training for intimidating or scary strangers, places, and objects, confidence training in the home, search/find commands, and many more.

At the end of the book is a safety section which includes 'Good to Know' items such as the Heimlich maneuver for dogs, common poisons and other dangerous things to avoid. There's also a section on 'weird' behaviors and why they're perfectly normal from the dog's point of view.

All in all a thoroughly well thought out, well researched and illustrated book. I also really loved the 'illustration' dogs including weimaraners, chihuahuas, a golden retriever and a beautiful blue tabby persian (ok, cat, but she was still very pretty!).

There are links at the end of the book to further supplies, kits and instructional materials from the author's company:

Four stars

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher.

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  • Started reading
  • 12 August, 2017: Finished reading
  • 12 August, 2017: Reviewed