Reviewed by annieb123 on

5 of 5 stars


Originally posted on my blog Nonstop Reader.

Comfort Baking is a well curated collection of tasty comforting baked goods with recipes by Stephanie Wise. Released 18th Oct 2022 by Herald Press, it's 336 pages and is available in hardcover and ebook formats. The publisher is a well known Christian press but there is no proselytizing contained in the book (she does share part of her own faith journey in the introduction); just wholesome recipes with high quality ingredients. The author does use

The joy of feeding our friends and loved ones is tied deeply into emotion, pleasure, and contentment. This author really gets that. The book is bursting with attractively styled and presented food full of taste and that idea of comfort and connection. The introductory sections contain the author's tips for success and the most common ingredients and tools and equipment. The recipes are arranged thematically: quick breads, breakfast/brunch, cookies, cakes, pies/tarts, breads, and meals (to take to friends). She's also included a bonus chapter of extra recipes for taking to friends, visiting, bereavement, or make-ahead potluck type situations. 

Recipes are written with an introduction, prep & cook times, and yield in the header, followed by ingredients in a bullet list, with step-by-step instructions after. Ingredient measures are provided in imperial (American) units only, no metric. Flours, leavening agents, and sweeteners are also slanted toward products easily accessible in North America, which makes sense, but should be noted for bakers who live elsewhere and are used to flours/sugars/ingredients available in Europe and elsewhere. 

The photography is stunning, including many (many!) macro shots of mouth-watering cookies, cakes, and other yummies. The author's chatty and friendly style of writing is fun to read. It's a beginner accessible collection and there are lots of easy confidence building recipes included. 

Five stars. This would be a good choice for public library acquisition, gift giving, and home use.

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

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Reading updates

  • 20 November, 2022: Started reading
  • 20 November, 2022: Finished reading
  • 20 November, 2022: Reviewed