Disney Manga: Beauty and the Beast - Belle's Tale by Mallory Reaves

Disney Manga: Beauty and the Beast - Belle's Tale

by Mallory Reaves

In Disney’s live-action film “Beauty and the Beast,” Belle, a bright, beautiful, and independent young woman, is taken prisoner by a beast in his castle. Despite her fears, she befriends the castle’s enchanted staff and learns to look beyond the Beast’s hideous exterior and realize the kind heart and soul of the true Prince inside. Soft, warm, bright colors show Belle's optimistic view of the world in this full-color manga-style graphic novel, which explores Belle's innermost thoughts as she learns that true beauty comes from within.

Also available: Disney Beauty and the Beast — The Beast's Tale

Reviewed by Quirky Cat on

4 of 5 stars


Wait, what? There's a manga version of Beauty and the Beast that focuses on Belle's side of the story?! Why didn't anybody tell me about this? But seriously, Beauty and the Beast – Belle's Tale is a refreshing take on the tale, written by Mallory Reaves and illustrated by Gabriella Sinopoli Sinopoli and Studio Dice. Side note: It's also the first in a set. That's right! Beast also has a part to play in this.

If you ever wanted to get into Belle's head during the events of Beauty and the Beast, then you're in luck! This graphic novel covers all the same events that the classic Disney movie shows us, but it also gives us a chance to see what Belle is thinking.

I won't waste time summing up the plot of this story – I think most people probably know it by heart at this point. And those that don't have probably made a point of avoiding it and thus won't be much interested in this take.

I have to say that I enjoyed Beauty and the Beast – Belle's Tale. It was light and fun, the perfect break after a heavy read. Admittedly none of the insights were all that groundbreaking, but I wasn't exactly expecting any plot-shattering revelations, you know?

To address the artwork, we first have to discuss Beauty and the Beast – Beast's Tale. As a duology, both are intentionally illustrated and colored in different styles. Belle's has more of a classic shoujo anime style. It's bright and almost feels fluffy.

My biggest complaint about this graphic novel is that it was difficult to read. Some pages felt like they were written in American comic format (left to right), while others were in manga format (right to left). Maybe this was my review copy and not the published versions.

Thanks to Disney Manga and #NetGalley for making this book available for review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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