Adam and Eve and Pinch Me by Ruth Rendell

Adam and Eve and Pinch Me

by Ruth Rendell

Jock Lewis was supposed to have died in the Paddington rail crash - Minty had received a letter from Great Western. But curiously, the police hadn't been in touch. And Jock had gone off with all her savings. Then there was Zilla. She had also received a letter from the railway company that said her husband was dead. She didn't really believe the story but chose not to mention her doubts. Jock's ghost reappeared to Minty at home, at work, in the cinema. Minty started to carry a knife...

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

3 of 5 stars

Interesting read. The story pivots around a man who is using a lot of women. He robs them blind while making them feel like he will marry them. One of his problems is that he's married. However he really doesn't play a part in his wife or children's lives. He tries to convince some of his women friends that he is in fact dead, having died in a train crash. The biggest problem is that one of them, Minty, is mentally unstable, and believes that she sees and hears the dead so when she sees him around she thinks he's a halucination, so she tries to do things to get rid of him, eventually taking a knife to the issue, which helps push her down a spiral of madness.

I found it somewhat obvious. The characters were very rubber stamped and had little grey about them. It was interesting to read and worthwhile.

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  • 6 January, 2008: Reviewed