Reviewed by Quirky Cat on

4 of 5 stars


Padawan is the latest novel added to the Star Wars canon series, which has already grown SO much in just a few years. Written by Kiersten White, this novel is about to delve into the Padawan days of the one and only Obi-Wan Kenobi. Yes, please!

All Obi-Wan wants is to be the perfect Padawan for his master. Unfortunately, Obi-Wan seems to be struggling with the one thing Qui-Gon Jinn keeps asking of him – meditation. It burns, seeing the other Padawans perfectly suited to their master's specialty.

Until one day, either the Force or desperation led Obi-Wan to a fascinating mystery – one that he was certain Qui-Gon Jinn couldn't resist. Perhaps now is the time for the two to have their first mission together.

“What would you think, if your own student was doing this?"
"Oh, I'll never have a Padawan as bad as I am." Obi-Wan was certain of that.”

So I'm a bit behind on the times here. Two months late (as of writing this), to be exact. Naturally, that means I've been dodging a lot of Padawan spoilers, as people have been talking about this book nonstop!

I'm happy to have finally sat down and read Obi-Wan's novel, not just because I've always been curious about his younger days. This novel had a lot to enjoy, and I was pleased to find that most of it hadn't been ruined by spoilers.

Right from the start, I found myself theory-crafting about every little detail. And speaking of, oh, the details! I live for these little bits of information from the Star Wars universe. I don't think I'll ever get enough.

It was fun reading Obi-Wan's story and trying to suss out the reasons behind his actions and whether or not this was all part of a plan (Qui-Gon Jinn's plan, that is). It added another layer to the story, at least in my case.

There's another significant element of this book that lends well to theory-crafting, but I feel I may spoil it if I discuss it too much. Let's just say that I found the planet in this novel to be interesting. Very interesting!

This now makes the fifth (I think?) novel where Wayseekers have been mentioned. I am begging for more of this, please! This is yet another intriguing avenue I want to explore further, and I can't be the only one out there (Yes, I know about The High Republic series, no worries!).

All things said and done, I could have asked for a better coming-of-age/Jedi tale from the one and only Obi-Wan Kenobi. Padawan was perfect.

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