When God Rescripts Your Life by Jaci Velasquez

When God Rescripts Your Life

by Jaci Velasquez

Much of what happens in our lives is not what we planned, not what we expected, and certainly not what we would have chosen.

At a young age, Jaci Velasquez's singing career rocketed to stardom, and her marriage thrived-then both suddenly crashed. Losing her reputation, her record label, and even some of her most-treasured relationships, Jaci began a long, healing journey from thinking of herself not as a Christian music darling or a broken young woman but as a beloved child of God. Today, her renewed faith carries her through a resurrected career, the adventures of a second marriage, and the ups-and-downs of being a mother of a child who has autism.

When God Rescripts Your Life is Jaci's exploration of the lessons she's learned living a story full of mistakes and grace, rejection and contentment, worldly success and spiritual rest. Drawing on lessons from biblical characters such as Aaron, Joseph, and Paul, as well as from illustrations from her own life, Jaci reminds us how God loves to rewrite pain and weakness into a glorious tale of redemption. The most difficult parts of life don't need to be removed; they need to be rescripted.

Reviewed by Jeff Sexton on

4 of 5 stars

Hilarious Memoir. So I admit it - I'm old ish. Though still a little over 3 yrs younger than the author herself. ;) But because of that, I was a teen myself when the author, as a slightly older teen, burst onto the Contemporary Christian Music (CCM) scene back in the late 90s and early 2000s and sold literally millions of albums. Hell, I bought some of them, and still have at least one of them 20 yrs later. (Now digitized.) In this memoir, Velasquez talks about the entirety of her 40 years on this earth, from her beginnings traveling around as her parents sang in various churches to the beginnings of her own singing to that period 20 yrs ago when she came into my own life via the radio to her "year of failure" (my term for what turns out was roughly the same time period on Earth, when I too was struggling) to her rebuild and experiences in the aftermath. Absolutely hilarious, and her communication skills are readily abundant - Velasquez is truly an excellent story teller, at least in memoir or song form. Ultimately I had to dock the book a star simply because of the abundant use of proof texting, even though she uses it here mostly to have some "Christian" backdrop to the overall memoir, rather than as a way to try to support some central external thesis. Still, a truly excellent book and very much recommended.

I will note that this was an ARC and thus I was given a free review copy. As is my own policy, however, I don't care how I obtained a book, I give my own honest review on every book I read. Period.

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  • 8 October, 2019: Reviewed