Reviewed by Angie on

3 of 5 stars

The Forgotten Ones was pretty good. It's an interesting mix of Irish mythology and folklore, where the fae are the descendants of a goddess. It's also New Adult, but it's not a romance! In fact, Allison doesn't have time for romance, nor the will to start up one despite her longtime crush on Ethan. She just wants to finish college, go to grad school, get a good job, and take care of her mother, giving her grandparents a break. But then, a man who looks just like Allison shows up at her door asking for her mother. Allison instinctively knows that this is her father, the man who left her mother alone, pregnant, and in the beginning stages of schizophrenia.

Of course, Allison's father is one the fae and explains that he can help her mother. At least before she disappears and is taken by some evil fae. The plot of The Forgotten Ones is mainly focused on Allison trying to bring her mother back to the human realm with the help of her newly found father and some other fae. Ethan also gets tangled up in all of this as leverage. The fae in this series are not totally evil, although we are told that some practice dark magic and are bad. They more treat humans as playthings and don't really care happens to them when they're done. There are exceptions like Allison's father though. For the most part I was more interested in the magic and world-building, since the plot was too easily resolved.

I did like the The Forgotten Ones. I found the Irish tales of the fae to be really engaging, and I liked learning about how they use their magic. I also liked how the story was focused on family rather than a romance. Allison clearly loves her mother, even though she's never known her from before the sickness took over. She just wants to do what's best for her, but now that the fae are in their lives, it may be more difficult.

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  • 20 January, 2015: Finished reading
  • 20 January, 2015: Reviewed