The Flash Volume 7: Perfect Storm by Joshua Williamson, Carmine Di Giandomenico

The Flash Volume 7: Perfect Storm

by Joshua Williamson and Carmine Di Giandomenico

Gorilla Grodd is after Central City's Speed Force, but the one thing Barry Allen can't outrun is the truth, and his nemesis knows a terrible secret about the Fastest Man Alive. As Barry battles Grodd, he loses what he prizes most in the world and must call in Wally West to protect Central City while he sets out to get it back. But with a new Flash protecting his city, will Barry be willing to cross lines he never crossed before? Star writer Joshua Williamson (Justice League vs. Suicide Squad) continues his smash-hit run in The Flash Vol. 7:...Read more

Reviewed by Quirky Cat on

4 of 5 stars

I received a copy of The Flash Vol. 7 through NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

The Flash is back! Though I suppose I should clarify which one, huh? In this case we have Barry Allen as the main perspective, but there are also cameos from multiple other Flash characters. In short it’s a fun read, especially if you love seeing all the varying characters interacting with one another.
Honestly, it’s hard to believe that we’re already up to volume seven in the Flash. I feel like it was just a few months ago that I picked this series up and binged it, but I’m fairly certain that was at least four volumes ago. I’ll resist the urge to make some speed and time goes here. You’re welcome.

It shouldn’t come as any surprise that Perfect Storm is a fast paced volume with a lot of action and conflict. I mean, this is the Flash we’re talking about. I personally really enjoyed this volume. Not only did I get to see a lot of other characters that I love, but I always love a plot that forces the main protagonist to take a look at his actions and take measure of him or herself.
It’s been a while since I’ve seen Grodd, so in a weird way I was actually kind of happy to see him wreaking havoc here. I know that sounds twisted, but you’ve got to admit that DC has always been capable of creating strong and interesting villains. Still, it’s nice to see them get changed up from time to time, and this was certainly a refreshing change.
As I mentioned above, I really love plots and events that force our heroes to really evaluate themselves. In this case we see Barry going above and beyond, as always. He’s doing what he can to protect those he loves…but one has to wonder, just how selfless are his actions here? This is one of those times where you really kind pretend that it’s all for the greater good. And I’m okay with that. Actually, I love that. I love that these characters are human enough to have actual struggles and conflicts. It’s one of the best parts about reading superhero comics, if you ask me.
I did really love the cameos too. While I’m sure that not all of the Flash variants arrived, a good number of them did, and it was nice to see. To be honest I had forgotten how many of them had managed to branch out into other series, so it was really nice to see the reminder. It also made it clear that I should probably catch up in those series…alas.
Probably the best part about this plot was that they managed to seamlessly set up another plot at the same time. I’m not sure if we’ll be seeing that one come to a head right away or not. I think I’ll be okay with it regardless. And yes, I’m being a bit vague on purpose, but I don’t want to spoil anything good. It’s worth it, trust me.
I can’t wait until the next volume of Flash is available! This series has been pretty solid so far, so I’m glad to see it continue, and that it’s getting so many spinoffs and the like.

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  • 18 September, 2018: Reviewed