Accidentally Demonic by Dakota Cassidy

Accidentally Demonic (Accidentally Paranormal, #4)

by Dakota Cassidy

Love gets a bit devilish in this contemporary romance from the national bestselling author of The Accidental Werewolf.

When mild-mannered Casey Schwartz wakes up in jail, she has no memory of how she got there. But after her sister, Wanda, bails her out, Casey has more to deal with than a foggy memory—like abrupt mood swings and fireballs shooting from her fingertips. But things really head south when a vampire shows up on her doorstep...

Vampire Clayton Gunnersson is seriously hot. And seriously taken—by a demon. In a ritual gone wrong, Clayton tried to get rid of his unwanted bond, but spilled some demonic blood on Casey, getting her possessed in the process. Now, Casey has to share her body and manage to keep her growing attraction to Clayton in check, because falling for her demon's boyfriend just might get Casey killed...from the inside out.

Reviewed by Berls on

4 of 5 stars

I've grown to like these more and more. I had wondered where the series would go after the three main friends had their "accidental" moments. So we went to Wanda's sister and she is accidentally turned into a demon. Her realization of her new powers comes when she's angry at Nina in a pretty funny confrontation, ending with her tied to a chair with pantyhose. LOL! Funny stuff.

Accidentally Demonic progresses a lot of the paranormal lore that is pretty unique in this series. Some of it I liked, some of it felt like it contradicted old lore. I still don't understand, for example, how mating with a demon works with the vampire lore we learned in Accidentally Dead.

Overall a really fun story and I find myself eager to continue the series. The narration continues to work really well for me and I'm disappointed to learn that there will be a narrator change later on in the series :(

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  • Started reading
  • 1 January, 2018: Finished reading
  • 1 January, 2018: Reviewed