Reviewed by chymerra on

4 of 5 stars

Becca Johnson was once involved with rodeo star Grady Farrell. In an attempt to get him to come home from the rodeo, she told him that she was seeing someone else. It backfired on her big time, when Grady basically told her to have a nice life. The prologue ends with her feeling sick to her stomach and thinking that it was due to the stress of her and Grady ending things. I was once a stupid teenager and did stuff like that to try to get a guy to come to me. Like Becca, it blew up in my face big time. So when I read that, I read it while smirking.

The book flashes forward 9 years later. Becca has grown up. She is now a veterinarian, owns a partnership in the practice that she works for and is the single mother to an 8-year-old girl named Cassie. She is doing well for herself but has never forgotten Grady. Well, wasn’t she surprised when she arrives at the Flying W Ranch to float horses teeth and finds out that Grady is the new owner. The old owner, Sy Ames, lost the ranch to Grady while playing cards. I did pause while reading and think to myself “They still do that (put property up when there is no money)?”

Becky is carrying a lot of baggage do to her relationship with Grady. A lot and it shows in her interactions with him. She half lies about things and withholds other important things. Very important things, which drove me kinda nuts. So I didn’t blame Grady for not being very happy when he found out her big secret. I would have been just as shocked and upset as he was.

There are sparks flying between the two of them which Becky tries to ignore. About half the book was her ignoring the sparks between them but when they gave in, the sex was out of this world good. And, guess what!!! They used protection. I swear I did a double fist pump when I read that (if you have been reading my blog, you know my views on fictional unprotected sex….lol).

Becca is also being stalked by someone. Who, she doesn’t know. She does have 2 suspects that she tells the police: Sy Ames, the ex owner of the Flying W Ranch and Grady’s new ranch manager, Ron Perkins. The author did a great of keeping you guessing as to who the stalker was up to when he was revealed. I was surprised at who it was. Also, I loved Becca’s creative use of plastic wrap to keep the stalker in place while waiting for the police….lol.

I will say that Cassie was the cutest thing, ever. She actually reminded me of my daughter when she was that age. They both love horses and my daughter actually really loved watching the rodeo on TV.

The ending was pretty typical of a romance novel, not that it took away from the book at all. Everything was wrapped up nice and I am expecting Grady and Becca to have a HEA. I can’t wait to see where this series goes and who the book will be about next. The author introduced some pretty interesting characters.

**I received a free copy of this book and volunteered to review it**

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