I Give You My Heart by Sarah Jane Ford

I Give You My Heart

by Sarah Jane Ford

A terminal diagnosis. A life-saving sacrifice. A love letter written on the walls of her heart.

Alice Richards looked forward to watching the seeds of love she and her husband planted bloom and grow well into their old age. But her plans for the future shrivel up and die when she learns she has an inoperable brain tumour.

Determined that she won't die in vain, she decides to become an organ donor. With a few precious months left, Alice begins documenting her fairytale romance--from their first meeting to the children they dreamed of having. She'll pass on every detail to her heart's next owner... along with careful instructions to send her husband reminders of her undying love. Before her time runs out, Alice must find the perfect candidate to guide her husband through unimaginable grief and hold the memory of their love in her heart.

I Give You My Heart is an emotional romantic fiction novel with an uplifting message. If you like strong-willed women, undying love stories, and honest portrayals of coping with a terminal illness, then you'll love SarahJane Ford's heart-warming epic.

An unmissable love story full of warmth, beauty and with a huge, beating heart. Perfect for fans of Cecilia Ahern's 'P.S. I Love You' and Jojo Moyes' 'Me Before You'.

Buy I Give You My Heart to experience a courageous story of undying love today!

Reviewed by Lynn on

4 of 5 stars

I'm not sure what I expected when I began reading I Give You My Heart. The narrative is definitely not what I envisaged it to be. It's thought-provoking and poignant yet uplifting and heartfelt too.

Alice is given devastating news – she has a brain tumour, grade four, inoperable and untreatable. With a life expectancy of six to nine month, she has some tough decisions to make. After rejecting the idea of life-prolonging treatment, she only has three months to live life as she knows it before irreversible symptoms take over. Knowing she doesn't have much time left, she devotes her time to enjoy what time she has left as well as setting in place her legacy.

The narrative alternates between the present and flashbacks to how her relationship evolved between herself and Alex; the love of her life. Alice's positivity and stoicism shine throughout as she accepts her fate. The back-story is fun and light-hearted and a lovely contrast to Alice's final months. It's heartbreaking, but the overall 'feel' of this novel is uplifting.

An honourable mention to the best friend any girl would love to have; Ryan. His total devotion to his best friend and his unwavering determination to fulfil her last request is admirable and brave. He definitely has a stronger character than Alice's husband, Alex. I found him to be weak. However, he is a thoughtful and romantic gentleman who is soon to lose his adored wife. So you can't criticise him for not always having a cheerful outlook when he is overwhelmed by the tragic situation unfolding before his eyes. I enjoyed the contrasts between the two men in Alice's life...she certainly was lucky with this aspect of her life.

Although this is a fictional novel, it is hard not to take on board the courage and feelings Alice had at the end of her life. It certainly makes a reader question their own mortality, but not in a negative way. I've not read either of the novels this one is compared with, so I can't make a judgement regarding that. However, as both are by highly acclaimed authors, the comparison is undoubtedly a compliment. I applaud Ms Ford for not only the originality of I Gave You My Heart but as a début author with tons of potential.

***arc received courtesy of Hearts and Minds Publishing Limited***

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  • Started reading
  • 29 August, 2018: Finished reading
  • 29 August, 2018: Reviewed