The Cartographers by Peng Shepherd

The Cartographers

by Peng Shepherd

Some places, you won't find on any maps.
Others, are only on maps...

Nell Young's has lived her life in and around maps. Her father, Dr. David Young, was one of the most respected cartographers in the world. He's also just been found dead - in office at the New York Public Library.

Nell hadn't spoken to him in years - ever since he fired her after an argument over a seemingly worthless highway roadside map. A map which was mass-produced - and every copy of which is being found and destroyed.

But why?

To answer that question will take Nell on a dangerous journey into the heart of a conspiracy beyond belief, the secret about her family, and the true power that lies in maps...

Step inside the hidden world of The Cartographers.

Reviewed by Ashley on

3 of 5 stars


I started out loving this, but it fizzled as soon as the “villain” (Wally) was described. I never really felt like they were that dangerous or that big of a deal. I was even more confused when I realized Nell's mother was still alive and literally lived in isolation for like 25 years because of Wally? And never saw her daughter. And let her daughter think she was dead. WTF? There was no way that was necessary lol. Could never get on board with that choice. O_O

Tons of potential because I really loved the idea of maps, cartography, secret societies, etc. But it ended up being a bit more dramatic than I expected (in like a “drama between friends" kind of way… I wanted more “high stakes secret society drama”).

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Reading updates

  • 10 July, 2022: Started reading
  • 10 July, 2022: on page 0 out of 400 0%
  • 17 July, 2022: Finished reading
  • 17 July, 2022: Reviewed