Storm by Tim Minchin


by Tim Minchin

A storm is brewing in the confines of a London dinner party. Small talk quickly descends into a verbal and intellectual battle between science and belief, as comedian Tim goes head to head with the mysterious fifth guest at the table - a hippy named Storm.

With stunning original artwork, Tim's sublime ranty beat-poem weaves through the world we live in, where alternative medicine is given credence and public funding, psychics have primetime TV exposure and people are happy with mystery rather than answers.

While Storm herself may not be converted, audiences from London to Sydney have been won over by Tim's lyrical wonders and the timely message of the piece in a society where science is attacked as the enemy of belief. STORM is the illustrated book born from the acclaimed internet sensation - the animation that has become an anthem for critical thinking worldwide, attracting over three million views. Now fully reimagined, STORM is a masterpiece that sparkles with beauty, wit, reason and rationality.

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Reviewed by pamela on

5 of 5 stars

It's hard to give this anything less than five stars, because Tim Minchin's Beat poem Storm is a five star work of comedic literature.

I saw Tim perform Storm live, and it was one of the greatest things I've ever seen on stage. The animated movie which can be viewed free on Youtube was a perfect companion to it with stunning animation, and this graphic novel adaptation is yet another worthy companion. It shares its art style with the animation, but has its own design perfectly developed for the format.

I think it would be difficult to truly enjoy without having experienced Minchin's performance of it, either in the animated short film or on stage, as so much of it relies on his delivery and tone. I couldn't remove his voice from my head while reading it and so the two are inextricably linked for me. The artists have managed to perfectly visually convey his words however, and what more could any true fan ask for?

Any Tim Minchin fan will love this, and it's certainly something to appeal to all rational minded people. I mean, let's face it, we all know a Storm.

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  • 1 December, 2014: Finished reading
  • 1 December, 2014: Reviewed