Things We Do in the Dark by Jennifer Hillier

Things We Do in the Dark

by Jennifer Hillier

When Paris Peralta is arrested in her own bathroom - covered in blood, holding a straight razor, her celebrity husband dead in the bathtub behind her - she knows she'll be charged with murder. But as bad as this looks, it's not what worries her the most. With the unwanted media attention now surrounding her, it's only a matter of time before someone from her long hidden past recognises her and destroys the new life she's worked so hard to build, along with any chance of a future.

Twenty-five years earlier, Ruby Reyes, known as the Ice Queen, was convicted of a similar murder in a trial that riveted Canada in the early nineties. Reyes knows who Paris really is, and when she's unexpectedly released from prison, she threatens to expose all of Paris's secrets. Left with no other choice, Paris must finally confront the dark past she escaped, once and for all.

Because the only thing worse than a murder charge are two murder charges.

Reviewed by Quirky Cat on

4 of 5 stars


Things We Do in the Dark is the first novel I've read by Jennifer Hillier (thanks, BOTM), and I am hooked! I adore her writing style and will be watching out for any new thrillers that come from her.

Paris Peralta had what many would call the perfect life. She married into wealth – and she did it for love. Unfortunately, that ideal image is about to shatter at her arrest. When she's found standing over the body of her husband's dead body, the police assume the worst.

While this is a horrible tragedy for Paris to deal with, it isn't her biggest fear. Her biggest fear is that all of this horror will wake up the ghosts that hide in her past, bringing them all out into the open. That is the last thing she needs right now.

“Because while you can reinvent yourself, you can’t outrun yourself. As a woman once reminded her a long time ago, the common denominator in all the terrible things that have happened to you is you.”

As the title may suggest, Things We Do in the Dark gets a bit dark. But with a description like this, that's probably to be expected. Paris' story is haunting but also compelling, especially as readers try to solve the mystery of her past.

This book primarily takes place in two points of time, from two different perspectives. There's the obvious perspective, Paris Peralta, and then there's a bit of a surprise: the podcast host behind Things We Do in the Dark (hey, it's the book's namesake!). His story takes a while to unfold and a bit longer for readers to see the connection between the two plots. But once that's made clear? Wow!

While I've read many thrillers with different points of view, I still think Things We Do in the Dark has one of the most unique takes on the matter. I enjoyed how the story unfolded, slowly revealing how the past sets the tone for the present. It was very well done.

Long story short, I'm thrilled that I decided to go with a new author this month (From BOTM, that is), as Jennifer Hillier's writing style is perfection. If you haven't read Things We Do in the Dark; I strongly urge you to do so!

Read more reviews over at Quirky Cat's Fat Stacks

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