Reviewed by Eve1972 on

2 of 5 stars


Sam is a regular, boring and plain college student that enjoys getting stoned and taking photographs. Aiden Robertson is the new photography teacher that likes his sex on the twisted and painful side.

Together these two embark on one twisted and sordid affair...

This book is going to be really hard for me to review. The story had the all the bones to be a really fantastic and twisted book. Unfortunately, the execution wasn't that great.

The plot needed to be WAY more fleshed out. It hooked me in from page one, but even though I was interested, the writing felt clunky to me. You know when you read a book and it's almost like the writing flows like a melody. The writing here was very jerky. I guess that is the best way to explain it. Because of that I struggled at times.

Both these characters were very complex, and I needed MORE background to understand and connect with these two characters. They are very twisted and messed up individuals and I wanted to know WHY. What brought them to this point, this moment. Aiden's continuous back and forth grew tiresome as well, and I HATED the way it ended There is NO HEA, there really isn't even a HFN as they both plan of going their separate ways and hopefully can meet up a couple times a year

That said, the story DID keep me interested enough to finish, and this could have been a knockout book had it been more fleshed out, longer, and had a better ending, so it gets two stars for that...

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  • Started reading
  • 26 September, 2016: Finished reading
  • 26 September, 2016: Reviewed