All-New X-Men Volume 5: One Down (Marvel Now) by Brian Michael Michael

All-New X-Men Volume 5: One Down (Marvel Now)

by Brian Michael Michael

The future Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, last seen in 'Battle of the Atom', are back - and they're still gunning for yesterday's X-Men! But even as the Brotherhood take their next devastating step against the time-tossed teens, the mysteries surrounding Jean Grey begin to unfold! Jean came back from her Shi'ar trial different. What does this mean for her future, for the past of the woman she's supposed to become, and for the rest of the X-Men?

Reviewed by sleepseeker on

3 of 5 stars

It had potential for a higher rating but the ending didn't pay off. It was still an easy read but it ended with unanswered questions that I hope gets revolved later in the series. It had all teams coming together with Original, Wolverine & Storm and Cyclops team. It could of had an amazing pay off with all these characters coming together but it didn't. I hope it's a stepping stone to something bigger instead of unanswered questions on the Original & Future teams.

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  • 15 September, 2020: Reviewed