Reviewed by Quirky Cat on

4 of 5 stars


A Shimmering World is the first book I've ever read by A.C. Lowry, but it was the description that made me desperate to give it a try. Elves, politics, and a recovering realm, what isn't there to love?

The elvish Maqqelli have been working diligently to recover, but coming back from near extinction is never easy, even for the elvish Maqqelli. Yet they are about to receive a have in the recovery process – from a most unlikely source.

Prince Herlen is part of the monarchy responsible for everything that has happened to the Maqqelli. But rather than joining in their gloating ways, he is doing what he can to make things right – but he'll never be able to do so on his own.

"Real combat is hardly ever fair, my dear. Please begin."

I'll be totally honest here, while I was looking forward to A Shimmering World, I also didn't have much idea of what to expect. Was Prince Herlen being truthful, or was the whole world (and thus my expectation for this book) about to get flipped on its head?

I was very pleasantly surprised by what I found on these pages. It's a complex story that doesn't shy away from the effects of bloodshed and war. That probably isn't too surprising, given the description. But it is nice to see the author follow through on that promise, you know?

Every twist in A Shimmering World surprised me, even when I thought I had finally fully grasped all the minutiae of the world. I love it SO much when that happens, so I want to give credit where credit is due here.

The magical system and worldbuilding really kept me invested in this book, though naturally, I enjoyed the characters as well. I just love a good world to dive into, and A Shimmering World gave me precisely that.

Thanks to Park Road Publishing and #Reedsy for making this book available for review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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