Reviewed by Quirky Cat on

5 of 5 stars


Wow! I grabbed River Woman, River Demon from Reedsy on an impulse because the cover looked SO good. I'm ecstatic to have taken the risk here because this was a phenomenal read. Written by Jennifer Givhan, this is not a book to miss out on.

Eva thought she was making progress, moving on from the nightmare of her childhood. But when her husband is arrested for the murder of her best friend, it all comes back to the surface. Quite literally.

Eva's childhood best friend died by drowning when they were very little. Now, her adult best friend has died under very similar circumstances, and it doesn't take long for the police to take notice of this fact. Now Eva will have to find the source behind her pain, delving into her past. It is the only way to protect herself and her family.

“When I shut my eyes again, the moon disappears. How long did Karma hold her breath—I wonder every time as I hold my own—before she too vanished from this world.”

Can I say wow again? It seriously feels appropriate here, as River Woman, River Demon blew me away (I'll resist the temptation to say it blew me out of the water. That feels too soon). This was such an intense read, but it is SO well done. I honestly can't get it out of my head.

Eva's story is dark and compelling. She has to tackle a horrible past while coping with a traumatic event in her present. It's a lot, and there are times when it makes her question herself (and thus, we question her narrative). It makes for a complex read that takes so many twists and turns.

The inclusion of Magick only helped to make the story all the more complex. It added layers to the world, the plot, and the characters. All while helping to obfuscate the truth behind it all. It was perfect.

I've read several books courtesy of Reedsy now, and I honestly think that River Woman, River Demon is my favorite so far. It was terrific, and I will be recommending it to all my reader friends (especially those that like thrillers/fantasy). So, go read it!

Thanks to Blackstone Publishing and #Reedsy for making this book available for review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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