Untamed by Pamela Clare

Untamed (MacKinnon's Rangers, #2)

by Pamela Clare

When he awakens sweet passion in a convent-bred French lass, Morgan MacKinnon finds himself cursing the war that's forced him to choose between upholding his honor and pledging himself to the woman he loves.

Reviewed by Rowena on

4 of 5 stars

This is another of my summer reading challenge, chosen by my friend Casee. Honestly, I had no interest in reading this book but I'm glad that I pushed myself to read it because it was so good. Morgan and Amalie were a lovely couple and their romance was super sweet even though it was surrounded by all kinds of drama. What a great book! I'm mighty curious about Iain and Connor's stories now. I will definitely be reading their books.

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 3 September, 2018: Finished reading
  • 3 September, 2018: Reviewed