Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

4 of 5 stars

The book ends very abruptly to me it seems, but... I have the sequel on my bookshelf, so I'm okay. Fannie's life has seen rough days, she has lost both of her parents, left to take care of her younger twin siblings and sold by her supposed loving step-father immediately after her mother's death in childbirth to a stillborn. The man the three children were indentured to let the year of the contract end date come and go and the future looked bleak for nothing would change for Fannie and her dear brother and sister. Living in their small sin-filled town Fannie decides to join the next wagon trail headed west out of their Kansas town. It proves to be more difficult than expected. First denied, then accepted, and while taking the journey west is difficult enough Fannie, her new friend and ex-Fancy woman Tori shares the fate of being chased by a man that believes his ownership of her work and body. From a plausible new love when Fannie vows that all men are alike and want one thing, to a near drowning, then a tornado, will they all get through this alive? And when Fannie and her siblings ever be free? What of Tori and her future, will she get a second chance on life or always be ruined? All these questions and more are answered and leaving you thirsting for more from [a:Tracey Bateman|275070|Tracey Victoria Bateman|]'s new series. And of course, God works his ways in many ways, but this is not an overbearing preachy book. It's just wonderful. And now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to finish the second in this series...

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  • Started reading
  • 1 December, 2007: Finished reading
  • 1 December, 2007: Reviewed