The Demon Notebook by Erika McGann

The Demon Notebook (Demon Notebook)

by Erika McGann

Grace and her four best friends, Jenny, Rachel, Adie and Una, are failed witches – and they have a notebook full of useless spells to prove it. But one night, they stumble upon real magical powers – and their notebook takes on a diabolical life of its own.

The girls watch, helpless, as, one by one, their spells start to work, moving relentlessly towards the worst one of all …

Can Grace and her friends stem the wave of powerful magic … before tragedy strikes?

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

3 of 5 stars

Five friends in school are dabbling in magic and spells and they do want it to work until an experiment with an Ouija board goes horribly wrong, one of them is posessed and the other four have to work at helping their friend and stopping the last spell in the notebook from coming true.

It was a laugh, some very funny characters and the situations were often hilarious. Features good witches as well as demons, and good witches who are cranky, and I loved her to bits.

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 11 October, 2012: Finished reading
  • 11 October, 2012: Reviewed