Reviewed by Angie on

4 of 5 stars

I received an ARC through NetGalley.

I adored Seducing the Enemy! It contains two of my favorite romance tropes: enemies-to-lovers and mistaken identity! Marietta is out for a night of dancing with her best friend, who has dared her to try to pick up a man. Marietta has been playing it safe for the past two years after learning to walk again following a terrible car accident that killed her sister and left her in a wheelchair for thirteen years. Now, she's trying to put herself out there again. Her friend points out a guy who appears to be doing paperwork in the middle of the nightclub, and Etta heads on over to him. The two hit it off immediately, go back to his room, and then part ways in the morning as they both have meetings to attend. Of course, as fate would have it, it's the same meeting and their reunion is not under happy circumstances.

Seducing the Enemy hooked me from the beginning! I liked seeing Etta come out of her shell, and her beginning scenes with Harrison are adorable. Then when they meet again, things are super tense! It was Harrison's cousin who was driving during the accident, and Etta's grandfather refuses to settle until the truth comes out. I totally believed Harrison's anger when he realized who Etta was. He firmly believe she seduced him in order to get the lawsuit to go her away. Did I like the way he treated her? Heck no! But it was believable and not drama for the sake of drama. After speaking to his uncle though, Harrison watches Etta closely to see what her game is, but winds up falling in love with her instead.

There's more stuff going on in Seducing the Enemy such as Harrison being hurt and humiliated by a gold digger before, and Marietta's phobia of beer and panic attacks. None of it felt superfluous or forced, which I liked it. Harrison and Marietta help each other realize their problems and overcome them, and of course, live happily ever after! There are also some really funny scenes scattered throughout; my favorite involving a priest and an erotic novel!

Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.

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  • Started reading
  • 24 November, 2014: Finished reading
  • 24 November, 2014: Reviewed