Reviewed by phyllish on

5 of 5 stars

I knew just a couple pages in that I was going to love this story!!

Just a few pages in I knew this to be a great story!! The writing was very compelling, enticing me forward one sentence at a time, making me read carefully to not miss a single word. While the story was not overtly humorous, moments throughout caused me to smile.

Lily's strong faith and desire to share it with everyone she meets comes out so clearly when she is surprised to find herself in the backseat of a limo with none other than A-list movie star, Ben Preston. I love the way it only took a few words before she was talking to him about God's love! And then when Ben tried to hit on her, oh my! While restrain myself from telling my husband everything that is happening in all the books I read, I couldn't help myself on this one!

While Lily was wise enough to know that she and Ben could never have a future unless he was saved, she did have a faith crisis, and for good reason. I appreciated that she had to go through this, and it wasn't just a momentary doubt.

Ben's life had been difficult before he made it big in Hollywood. His parent's hypocrisy and the way the people in the church turned their backs on him had him bitter towards God. While he started as a stereotypical Hollywood playboy, underneath the facade was a man who carried deep hurt and wanted change.

I loved seeing Ben on the floor in Lily's after-school care class, playing with blocks with the boys. Their conversation about his black eye, which caused him to stay hidden in his house for three days to avoid the paparazzi, was so funny!

In addition to Ben and Lily, I became deeply attached to Lily's family and Chris, Ben's director friend. In fact, after the first chapter, I already knew I wanted to read much more about Noah, Lily's older brother!

There is a hint of mystery and danger when vandals cause damage to the mission. Things escalate from there in a big way!

I think the title of the book is unfortunate as it could be misleading. While the cover accurately reflects how Ben and Lily met, I came close to passing it up without reading the synopsis, thinking it was about yet another wannabe actor. What a shame that would have been! Mission Hollywood is the name of the church Lily's parents founded in a poor area of the town, ministering to the forgotten and the destitute. Don't think this is a typical Hollywood love story. While there is romance (and it is sweet!), there is so much more.

If you enjoy Christian romance that is more about changed lives than swoony kisses, this is a great choice for you!

Read my full review at Among the Reads

I was given a copy of this book. I was not required to give a favorable review nor was any money received for this review. All comments and opinions are my own.

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  • 24 October, 2019: Reviewed
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  • 24 October, 2019: Reviewed