Reviewed by Angie on

3 of 5 stars

I received an ARC through NetGalley.

Talking Dirty with the Boss ending up being quite the surprise. Luke and Marisa meet at Joseph and Christie's wedding, and have a very awkward dance. Not because Luke is Marisa's new uptight boss, but because of Luke's OCD. He needs order, things need to go his way, be saw through to the end, and done perfectly or his world starts spiraling. Marisa doesn't know this and just thinks he has a stick up his ass, so she can't help but tease him a little when she accidentally sends him an e-mail about her underwear even though it's against new office policy. She doesn't expect him to actually show up for a quickie.

I really enjoyed Talking Dirty with the Boss. Marisa and Luke have a ton of chemistry! But more than that, I just liked them. Marisa's life is a mess, and she's working hard to fix it, but she knows she can't work in an office forever. She needs to pursue her dreams as soon as everything is back in order. I loved Luke though. At first I was worried that the author was using OCD to be synonymous with control freak, which it's not, but thankfully she doesn't. I totally believed Luke's struggles because the reflect mine! Any one little thing can set us off if our OCD demands aren't meant. It's not something that can be cured with true love. It has to be managed, and it actually makes relationships a bit more difficult. I loved seeing that.

There was a point where I thought I was going to hate Talking Dirty with the Boss. Of course, that would be the pregnancy. However, it didn't come about the way I thought it would. No one is making stupid decisions. It was truly a screwed up accident. I was annoyed for a bit when all they talked about was what to do about it, but then it got back to the fun sexy times and Luke struggling with how to have a relationship with Marisa without her knowing about his OCD and thinking he's crazy. Ultimately, it was Luke and his OCD that saved this one for me.

Talking Dirty with the Boss was really enjoyable. The middle portion was totally not my thing, but I loved seeing Marisa and Luke come together and make it work. I also really appreciate the author not having Luke be fixed by the power of love. In fact, things seem to get worse because he's not just managing by himself anymore. He has someone else to worry about.

Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.

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  • 18 October, 2015: Finished reading
  • 18 October, 2015: Reviewed