Reviewed by lizarodz on

4 of 5 stars

Maybe too Good to Be True is a very good romance-mystery and I enjoyed reading it.

Gabrielle is, (as stated above) a little insecure about herself. She is very talented (and has tangible proof!), but still doubts that she can be happy. I believe her upbringing had a lot to do about that and I'm glad that she consciously fought to overcome it. Gabrielle is loving, loyal, unspoiled and very smart lady. Finding Elizabeth and therefore, some truths about her father couldn't happen to a better person.

Pierce is a handsome devil! Actually, now that I'm writing about him and his qualities, I realized that he is a lot like Gabrielle. Although he was raised with all the privileges possible, he is also a very simple person, and cherishes family and an easy lifestyle (except for flying planes and helicopters :)

The overall characterization is very good, all of the characters were distinct and well fleshed out. I particularly enjoyed Elizabeth (and I'm very partial to this name!), Millie, James and Max.

The story is told in the third person, with alternating points of view, which I always enjoy. The plot was great and also simple. As I mentioned at the beginning the story is a romance with a mystery aspect that relates to Gabrielle's father and I had my suspicions about the culprit. The writing is very good, with easy to read language and a bit lyrical.

Overall, Maybe too Good to Be True was an amazing read, full of great characters (and a few dogs) and romance.

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  • Started reading
  • 19 December, 2012: Finished reading
  • 19 December, 2012: Reviewed