The Shadow in the Glass by JJA Harwood

The Shadow in the Glass

by JJA Harwood

A deliciously gothic story of wishes and curses – a new dark fairy tale set against a Victorian backdrop full of lace and smoke.

Once upon a time Ella had wished for more than her life as a lowly maid.

Now forced to work hard under the unforgiving, lecherous gaze of the man she once called stepfather, Ella’s only refuge is in the books she reads by candlelight, secreted away in the library she isn’t permitted to enter.

One night, among her beloved books of far-off lands, Ella’s wishes are answered. At the stroke of midnight, a...

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Reviewed by Renee on

3 of 5 stars


I feel like the author didn't have a proper plan for the ending, so it was just… not there. The book started so intense and gripping, but halfway through, the fear crept in that there would be no ending. I would have preferred an open ending instead of this. It felt rushed.

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Reading updates

  • 11 October, 2021: Started reading
  • 11 October, 2021: on page 0 out of 416 0%
  • 11 October, 2021: Finished reading
  • 11 October, 2021: Reviewed