White Trash Damaged by Teresa Mummert

White Trash Damaged

by Teresa Mummert

The romantic and poignant second novel in the stunning trilogy by a New York Times bestselling author about a down-and-out waitress who’s swept off her feet by a rock star.

Rocker Tucker White saved down-and-out waitress Cass Daniels from everyone in her life who was hurting her—except herself. In the much-anticipated follow-up to White Trash Beautiful, Teresa Mummert’s New York Times and USA Today bestseller, Tucker and Cass are finally together, but does that mean they get their happy ending?

Living on a tour bus with your boyfriend’s rock band is nothing like living in a trailer with your drug-addicted mother—except for the drama. After all the pain and grief that marked the beginning of Cass and Tucker’s relationship, they’re finally building a life together—just the two of them, his three bandmates, some groupies, and thousands of screaming fans. And not everyone is as happy about the couple’s reunion as they are.

The last thing Cass wants to do is create friction within the band—especially when Damaged is on the brink of achieving the success Tucker has worked so hard for. She’s thrilled to finally be with a man who loves and protects her as much as he does. But how can she carve out a place for herself in this new rock star world . . . without being swallowed by the shadow of Tucker’s fame?

Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

This was one of those books that I was dying to read. I had to know, when Tucker came back for Cass, what life was going to be like for them. It was definitely better than what Cass had to endure in WHITE TRASH BEAUTIFUL, but it was far from perfect and both Tucker and Cass are still dealing with things from both of their pasts. Being on the road, in tight quarters, with the rest of the band doesn't make it any easier, but they learn a lot about trust and forgiveness.

As Damaged's popularity grows, Cass has to learn how to deal with not only over zealous fans lusting after her man, but also a domineering manager who would like nothing more than for Cass to be gone. It was sometimes a big blow to Cass' self-esteem when she was made to feel like she wasn't wanted, but Tucker was there trying to protect her and ensure she knew how he felt about her. But there were times when Tucker being tightlipped about things (his past, video shoots, musical credits, Cass' father) hurt Cass more than protected her. I know Tucker did it because he loves her and thinks he's protecting her, but if Cass is going to be with him (and his star continues to rise) they need to figure out a way where she can deal with all the craziness and know that he's there to catch her if she falls.

I loved the secondary story with the relationships between the band members (and sometimes members from other bands). I though Eric was an ass, but he definitely had a reason for being the way he was and I think with Cass' friendship, he's become more human. I hope to see more of that as we move into the next book.

This didn't have the emotional punch WHITE TRASH BEAUTIFUL had, but the characters are moving away from something very tragic and I was glad what the had to endure wasn't as painful as the first book. I look forward to more for Cass, Tucker and Damaged.

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  • 11 October, 2013: Finished reading
  • 11 October, 2013: Reviewed