Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Harry Potter, #7)

by J.K. Rowling

'His hand closed automatically around the fake Horcrux, but in spite of everything, in spite of the dark and twisting path he saw stretching ahead for himself, in spite of the final meeting with Voldemort he knew must come, whether in a month, in a year, or in ten, he felt his heart lift at the thought that there was still one last golden day of peace left to enjoy with Ron and Hermione.' With these words Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince draws to a close. And here, in this seventh and final book, Harry discovers what fate...Read more

Reviewed by Jo on

5 of 5 stars

Originally posted on Once Upon a Bookcase.

The last time I did a re-read of the Harry Potter series, I left out Deathly Hallows, and so a review is required this time round, rather than just a re-read post. As I was re-reading Deathly Hallows this time, I realised that I'd only read it once before; there were so many details that I had completely forgotten, and most of my memories of the story were from watching the movies, so it was really interesting to rediscover certain elements again.

I was a little wary before picking it up because I remember feeling disappointed the first time round because of how much time Harry, Ron and Hermione spend doing nothing. It felt like nothing was happening for a really long time, whereas in the other books, even when nothing was happening in regards to the major plot, there were always lessons, Quidditch, or confrontations with Malfoy. There was always something happening. But in Deathly Hallows, there's a lot of time spent moving from place to place, trying to work out what they should do next, when I wanted to get the plot to get moving and see how things would go. This time round, I appreciated how little the three know and how that affects them all. There is no real plan, it's all guess work backed up by the information Dumbledore gave Harry, but no real certainty. I loved how Ron and Hermione seemed to worry about there not being a plan, and how Harry started doubting himself, feeling like he wouldn't be able to finish destroying the Horcruxes because he just didn't know what he was doing. The pressure is on, and he's really starting to feel it. It's because of this, although awful, that I really loved the bust up between Ron and Harry.

I didn't enjoy as much Harry questioning Dumbledore and their relationship. I don't see why Harry thought Dumbledore would have shared his whole family history with him. It wasn't really any of his business for one thing, and it was in the past. Plus he was his teacher. Sure, Dumbledore was a mentor/guide to Harry as well, but I just don't understand why Harry thought Harry should have told him his whole life story. I could understand why these feelings were cropping up, because he was feeling so lost and so much was being revealed about Dumbledore's past because of Rita Skeeter's book, but not why he felt he deserved to know everything. This is just me disagreeing with Harry, though, not a problem I have with the book.

When things get going, though, boy do they get going! The deaths are so hard to deal with. Dobby always gets me, always. He is the most bravest little guy, and god, I love him. But Fred, Lupin and Tonks, too... too much, just too much. And poor Colin Creevey! It was like being stabbed, and then having the knife twist and twist with each death. I absolutely loved the epic Battle of Hogwarts, it was just so incredible! And can I just take a moment to say how wonderful Snape is? I still hate the guy, there was no real need for him to be so cruel throughout the other books, but protecting Harry this whole time for the woman he loved... that's just heartbreaking, but so, so beautiful.

I found it surprisingly emotional this time round when Harry realises he has to die, because I already knew he actually doesn't. But I think it was down to how Harry was feeling, walking towards his death. The first time I read this book, it was all about what I felt and thought of what was happening, and now I can appreciate how the events affect the characters more. It brought tears to my eyes when Harry used the Resurrection Stone and brought back his family, it was such an incredibly emotional scene; knowing he had to die, but having the people he loved and who loved him with him in some form to keep him going. It's just wonderful.

I also think I understood a whole lot more this time round when it came to how Harry survived, with his conversation with Dumbledore. I think I was either far too emotional to really get it the first time round, or it's because I'm older now, but I finally got it. And I absolutely loved seeing Dumbledore again, that he got his appearance, and got to impart more advice and guidance. That was just such a wonderful, wonderful touch.

I was really bloody disappointed with the climax the first time round - Voldemort was defeated simply because of a rebounded spell? What?! But I think with understanding more about wands in general and the Elder wand, and how Voldemort completely screwed up, it was kind of brilliant this time. I loved it! And the epilogue was pretty awesome, too!

I finished my re-read this time round with a feeling of sadness, but satisfaction, and also excitement. The story isn't over yet. There's still Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, and the story will continue with that play. I just need to get ahold of some tickets! Deathly Hallows was a brilliant finale to the Harry Potter novels, and I'm always going to love them dearly.

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