Reviewed by Melanie on

4 of 5 stars

I enjoyed this series since I read the novella [b:A Stroke of Dumb Luck|10424976|A Stroke of Dumb Luck (Colbana Files, #0.5)|Shiloh Walker||15329344] years ago. I was ecstatic when I found out she was going to continue the series under a different pen name. I found Kit to be a very strong character. She is a half-breed warrior that is a race that not many are familiar with, even as the world is coming to terms with non-humans living around them. This is very prevalent in this story.

This story takes place between A Stroke of Dumb Luck and Blade Song. Here was have Kit hiding at Wolfhaven, a bar that is owned and run by TJ, a handicapped werewolf who is the law in her bar. Kit is one hand almost scared of her own shadow, but at the same time very much not out to take crap from anyone. This is the case when a werewolf tries to pick a fight with her. Don't ever tell Kit she smells like "meat and sex" it will likely get you stabbed, as this particular werewolf soon finds out.

Justin, a warrior witch, tracks Kit down when he later kills this wolf and senses her magic all over him. He is looking for a human who was working with the wolf and preying on non-human children. Justin uses Kit's need to protect these kids to get her out of her shell to help him hunt down this human, who the authorities are turning a blind eye to, because they are just little monsters, not children.

If you've read this series, you are familiar with Justin, Goliath, TJ, Colleen and the old female cat alpha, who all make appearances in this story. If not, you can meet them for the first time and they are all great characters, with the exception of the cat alpha (she is quite a bitch, despite being a cat). We really get to see how Kit and Justin get to know and work together. They really make a great team.

The story is short, but it was great to look back into the life of Kit. This is a time in her life when everything is going pretty well. For those of us who have read the other books, we know that she has both good and bad times to come. It was great to see this small snippet of happy in her life. Now, I just want the next book. Do I really have to wait a year??

*ARC provided by author for honest review

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  • 1 March, 2014: Finished reading
  • 1 March, 2014: Reviewed