Infamous by Sherrilyn Kenyon

Infamous (Chronicles of Nick, #3)

by Sherrilyn Kenyon

The world has fallen in love with Nick Gautier and the Dark-Hunters. Now Nick's saga continues in the next eagerly anticipated volume ...Go to school. Get good grades. Stay out of trouble. That's the mandate for most kids. But Nick Gautier isn't the average teenager. He's a boy with a destiny not even he fully understands. And his first mandate is to stay alive while everyone, even his own father, tries to kill him. He's learned to raise the dead, divination and clairvoyance, so why is learning to drive and keep a girlfriend so hard? But driving isn't the primary skill he has to master. Survival is. And in order to survive, his next lesson makes all the others pale in comparison. He is on the brink of becoming either the greatest hero mankind has ever known - or he'll be the one who ends the world. With enemies new and old gathering forces, he will have to call on every part of himself to fight or he'll lose everyone he cares about. Even himself.

Reviewed by Hixxup on

5 of 5 stars

I fricking love Nick, I love his smart assed self, his noble heart, and the way he looks at life. His mother god bless her heart, really pissed me off in this book. And I don't blame Nick for going off on her like he had in this book. Ash and Kyrian still fabulous!!! You get to learn a little more on Bubba, which is really cool to read. Kody still wondering what her game is, Caleb I'm really starting to like him, hehe ok ok I've always liked him, but in this book I like him even more. Grim, eh he's pretty funny.

Ms. Kenyon never fails in her books, they are all awesome, and always I am wanting more. She is one of my favorite authors, and I will always say "Hey you read this by her...." when books come up in a conversation. Love you Sherrilyn Kenyon, I love your books, your worlds, and your characters. YOU ROCK!

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  • Started reading
  • 15 September, 2013: Finished reading
  • 15 September, 2013: Reviewed