Americana: Farmhouses and Manors of Long Island by Kyle Marshall

Americana: Farmhouses and Manors of Long Island

by Kyle Marshall

Set between the sound and the sea, Long Island is home to some of America’s most intriguing country houses. This book highlights the best examples, telling the story of each through outstanding contemporary color photography. The dwellings, which began as 17th-century homesteads and 18th-century, high-style plantation manor houses, embody centuries of ownership and building activity—an aesthetic evolution shaped by both Dutch and English colonial influences and proximity to the cultural crossroads of Long Island Sound and New York City. These many-layered homes, both large and small, have anchored successive generations engaged in living well amid evolving American taste, each generation expanding, altering, and redefining them in accordance with popular trends and personal eccentricities. Representing the best of maverick Americana, their charmed interiors exude warmth, comfort, and familiarity and contain wonderful old objects and materials that will satiate all who hunger for old houses.

Reviewed by annieb123 on

4 of 5 stars

Originally published on my blog: Nonstop Reader.

Americana is a well curated in-depth look at 15 stately Long Island homes and farms. The author, Kyle Marshall, has a design background as well as experience and in depth knowledge of the subject matter and his enthusiasm shines through in the text.

Released 28th Sept 2019 by Schiffer, it's 208 pages and available in hardcover.

Whilst this is certainly a niche book, in that it is limited to a specific geographical location, the gorgeous photography, architectural detailing, interior shots, structural layouts (including historical renovation notes), and broad choice of house subjects will make this an appealing choice for any historical home enthusiast.

These are really gorgeous homes, some brought back from disrepair, some owned, well-loved, and maintained throughout their history. The history and architecture of each of the houses is detailed by the author, interspersed with coordinated exterior and interior room shots. The details are well elucidated by the author, many of which I would have missed without the 'guided tour'. At least some of the included properties are privately held and not (generally) open to the public, so the inside looks are rarefied and exclusive.

I loved seeing the interiors as well as the garden shots. There are wonderful period details, leaded glass windows, beautiful carpets, wonderful antique furniture and more.

This would make a lovely coffee table book as well as an inspiration book for anyone who enjoys interior design. Approximately half of the houses have included floorplans which were enlightening for me, especially seeing where the original structures had been changed and rearranged and rebuilt.

Four stars, some breathtaking photography and masses of detail here (included a further reading list and links which made me swoon).

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes

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  • 29 September, 2019: Reviewed