The Nation of Plants by Stefano Mancuso

The Nation of Plants

by Stefano Mancuso

In this playful yet informative manifesto, a leading plant neurobiologist presents the eight fundamental pillars on which the life of plants—and by extension, humans—rests.

Even if they behave as though they were, humans are not the masters of the Earth, but only one of its most irksome residents. From the moment of their arrival, about three hundred thousand years ago—nothing when compared to the history of life on our planet—humans have succeeded in changing the conditions of the planet so drastically as to make it a dangerous place for their own survival. The causes of this reckless behavior are in part inherent in their predatory nature, but they also depend on our total incomprehension of the rules that govern a community of living beings. We behave like children who wreak havoc, unaware of the significance of the things they are playing with.
In The Nation of Plants, the most important, widespread, and powerful nation on Earth finally gets to speak. Like attentive parents, plants, after making it possible for us to live, have come to our aid once again, giving us their rules: the first Universal Declaration of Rights of Living Beings written by the plants. A short charter based on the general principles that regulate the common life of plants, it establishes norms applicable to all living beings. Compared to our constitutions, which place humans at the center of the entire juridical reality, in conformity with an anthropocentricism that reduces to things all that is not human, plants offer us a revolution.

Reviewed by Quirky Cat on

4 of 5 stars


The Nation of Plants was written by plant neurobiologist Stefano Mancuso and was a surprisingly playful and enjoyable read. Granted, I went into this book expecting a lot of fun, especially as a plant and garden lover.

The Nation of Plants is an informative read that presents (and more importantly: explains) the eight fundamental pillars on which plant life can exist. Yes, that also can be applied to every other living creature, but that just made it all the more interesting.

If you're looking for a book full of knowledge that will also force you to sit down and think once you're done, then The Nation of Plants will be the perfect read for you. Honestly, I think this book would be nicely suited for a book club or any other group that would feel comfortable sitting down and discussing the theories and conclusions provided by this book.

Thanks to Other Press and #Edelweiss for making this book available for review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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  • 7 June, 2021: Finished reading
  • 7 June, 2021: Reviewed