Trapped by Kevin Hearne

Trapped (The Iron Druid Chronicles, #5)

by Kevin Hearne


'American Gods meets Jim Butcher's Harry Dresden' SFF World

After twelve years of secret training, Atticus O'Sullivan is finally ready to bind his apprentice, Granuaile, to the earth and double the number of Druids in the world. But on the eve of the ritual, the world that thought he was dead abruptly discovers that he's still alive, and they would much rather he return to the grave.

Having no other choice, Atticus, his trusted Irish wolfhound, Oberon, and Granuaile travel to the base of Mount Olympus, where the Roman god Bacchus is anxious to take his sworn revenge - but he'll have to get in line behind an ancient vampire, a band of dark elves, and an old god of mischief, who all seem to have KILL THE DRUID at the top of their to-do lists.

Praise for the Iron Druid Chronicles:

'Atticus and his crew are a breath of fresh air! . . . I love, love, love this series' My Bookish Ways

'Entertaining, steeped in a ton of mythology, populated by awesome characters' Civilian Reader

'This is one series no fantasy fan should miss. Mystery, suspense, magic and mayhem' SciFiChick

The Iron Druid Chronicles
Besieged (short stories)

Kevin Hearne's epic fantasy novel A PLAGUE OF GIANTS - described by Delilah S. Dawson as 'a rare masterpiece that's both current and timeless . . . merging the fantasy bones of Tolkien and Rothfuss with a wide cast of characters who'll break your heart'. Out now!

Reviewed by MurderByDeath on

4 of 5 stars

I've listened to the first 4 of these books on audio, and reading this one, I'm reminded why.  I avoid high fantasy because the made up names and places drive me up the wall - because I can't pronounce them, I can never keep from mixing them up.     The Iron Druid Chronicles are not high fantasy, but they are urban fantasy featuring just about every major mythological pantheon, with a heavy emphasis on Irish and Norse; both chock full of names and places I have absolutely zero chance of even coming close to pronouncing correctly.  Luckily, Hearne includes a pronunciation guide at the beginning of the book that covers most of the Celtic/Norse words he uses, but I kept having to flip back and recheck every time I came across a word like Scáthmhaide (SKAH wad jeh if you're curious) and it was distracting.   Otherwise it's a rip-roaring good time as Atticus has the oldest vampire in the world, Bacchus, dark elves, and Freya on his back and most of them want him dead.  But before that happens, he needs to complete the steps that will make his apprentice, Granuaile, a full fledged Druid.  This is the story line that was most interesting to me, as we get a lot of interaction between Atticus and the elementals and (finally) some resolution of the relationship between Atticus and Granuaile.     The rest was good, but mostly just a lot of intermittent bouts of fighting to keep the Druidic tattooing from becoming too dull.  It's fun, but it's a bit chaotic as the consequences of all Atticus' choices in the previous 4 books come home to roost at once.   There are 8 books so far, with the ninth being the final book in the series.  There's no way I can not find out how it all ends, but I think for the final three, I'll go back to audio, so I can enjoy the story without stressing myself out trying to remember how to pronounce words like Goibhniu and Ylgr.

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  • Started reading
  • 27 September, 2017: Finished reading
  • 27 September, 2017: Reviewed