Reviewed by Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading on

4 of 5 stars

Booker Hate City is the third book in the Booker series and can be read as a standalone. I must admit I was a bit wary about continuing the series as I did not enjoy the second book as I was hoping I would. However, I am glad I overcame my scepticism as after completion of this installment my faith in the series as been renewed.

Booker was working on a case that involved the theft of JFK assassination memorabilia when he was presented with another case. This case involved the murder of the CEO of Evergreen Energy company. Now when a second murder was committed, Booker is forced to utilize all his resources to determine if the murders are somehow connected. In trying to solve the case he joined forces with Maggie Calero, a former DEA agent turned private investigator. They met when she prevented him from shooting a sniper. Her reasons for being involved in the investigation was more of a personal nature than a professional one. What followed is a story of explosive proportions.

As usual the characters were well developed and easy to relate to. The story was action filled and very suspenseful. The story was filled with so many twists and turns your head would spin. It kept me on the edge of my seat from start to finish. They were some humorous events that had me laughing out quite a few times . There are several cases taking place at once, however, as you get deeper into the story you realise the significance of this. It appears that the cases are connected but to find out how, you will need to get a copy of Booker Hate City.

This was a fascinating and exciting read. Fans of mystery, suspense and thrillers would enjoy this tale. I am looking forward to the next book in the series.

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  • Started reading
  • 14 June, 2015: Finished reading
  • 14 June, 2015: Reviewed