A Lesson in Love and Murder by Rachel McMillan

A Lesson in Love and Murder (Herringford and Watts Mysteries, #2)

by Rachel McMillan

From political danger to personal drama, life is about to get explosive...

The legacy of literary icon Sherlock Holmes is alive and well in 1912 Canada, where best friends Merinda Herringford and Jem Watts continue to develop their skills as consulting detectives.

The city of Toronto has been thrown into upheaval by the arrival of radical anarchist Emma Goldman. Amid this political chaos, Benny Citrone of the Royal North-West Mounted Police arrives at Merinda and Jem's flat, requesting assistance in locating his runaway cousin—a man with a deadly talent.

While Merinda eagerly accepts the case, she finds herself constantly butting heads—and hearts—with Benny. Meanwhile, Jem has her hands full with a husband who is determined to keep her out of harm's way.

As Merinda and Jem close in on the danger they've tracked from Toronto to Chicago, they uncover a sinister plot to assassinate presidential candidate Theodore Roosevelt. Will they be able to save the day and resolve the troubles threatening their future happiness before it's too late?

Independence, love, and lives are at stake in A Lesson in Love and Murder, the gripping second installment of the Herringford and Watts Mysteries series.

Reviewed by readingwithwrin on

5 of 5 stars

"Sometimes in the city, you can find what the solitude of the wilderness can never give you a sense of constant companionship. You're connected to everyone around you and you're never really lonely."

In the first book Bachelor Girl's Guide to Murder we see Merinda and Jem start up their detective business and start to make names for themselves with the police and the rest of the City as well.

This one starts a few weeks after the last one ended with Jem and Ray married and have started a life together. Recently they've had some financial struggles, plus Ray is worried about his sister and nephew, and finally a surprise that has both of them slightly on edge and unsure what to do next.

"We have something better. Fairy tales just end. The excitement of turning a page and not knowing what happens? That ends. You never get to see the ever-after. Don't you see, that's what we're in right now! The after. It's a beginning and constant adventure."

Jem and Merinda are still solving crimes, but no big cases have come up for them that is until a Mountie shows up needing help finding a family member who may be the cause of some recent explosions that have been happening. Not only does this involve them into some dangerous situations we also have Jasper and Ray who are trying to keep them safe and away from what is happening, all while also helping them solve the mystery (this sounds impossible, but it works somehow).
We also have a new character Benny who is the Mountie that needs their help, but he also just might make someone show a little bit of human emotion for a change. (Oh Merinda who well you had us all fooled, turns out you might not be as much like Sherlock as you originally thought. )

"What bothers me most is that you won't tell me about it. That you won't say it out loud. Just tell me. Let's stay up half the night giggling over his smile or his broad shoulders. Or are you too logical for romance? For love? You think there's some sort of virtue in keeping a brick wall around your softer emotions. Well, you have them! Even as we keep playing detective and tripping into solutions, you have the same capacity to love and have your heart broken as any other woman. Why can't you just let yourself grab at some happiness?"

Not only does this one take place in Canada we also get to see Chicago in the earlier 1900s and what was happening in both countries wasn't that different for the most part when it came to how immigrants and women were treated.

Overall I really loved this second book in this trilogy and I can't wait to read the final one even if it does make me sad to know that there won't be more (besides the novels which I know I'm just going to end up buying).

Side note I really like how each chapter starts out with some about being a detective or a proper lady.

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  • 8 August, 2017: Finished reading
  • 8 August, 2017: Reviewed