Suffer Love by Ashley Herring Blake

Suffer Love

by Ashley Herring Blake

Sam Bennett falls for Hadley St. Clair before he knows her last name. When Sam finds out she is that St. Clair, daughter of the man who destroyed Sam's family, he has a choice: follow his heart or tell the truth about the scandal that links their families. Funny and passionate, Suffer Love is a story about first love, family dysfunction, and the fickle hand of fate. AGES: 14 and up AUTHOR: Ashley Herring Blake used to write songs and now she writes books, including Suffer Love. She reads them a lot too and has been known to stare wistfully at her bookshelves. She lives in Nashville, TN with her husband and two sons.

Reviewed by whisperingchapters on

4 of 5 stars

This 4.5 latte review was originally posted on Latte Nights Reviews.

Hadley had a very close and happy family until one day it all fell apart thanks to all the slips of paper that someone left on her front door, uncovering her father's affair. It's been a year and her family is still very much separated. This caused Hadley to not believe in love so she goes through various guys. When Sam arrives at school and is stuck with Hadley to do a project, he doesn't know who she is until much later and the guilt sets in. He has a secret that could ruin his friendship with Hadley.

The old Hadley believed in romance and lasting love.

BEAUTIFUL!! This was such a beautiful and heart-wrenching novel! I think I inhaled this story because of how fast I read it. This story delved into betrayal, family, love, and forgiveness, which the author executed wonderfully. Each topic had depth and I felt everything to my very core. The most important one has to be family. When Hadley found out about the affair, her relationship with her father broke into pieces. Hadley was so hurt and betrayed that she didn't want anything to do with her dad. My heart broke for both Hadley and her father because for Hadley, you could notice how she really wanted her dad but the wound was still fresh for her and it was very hard to forgive. I felt so bad for her dad because he was trying to fix his relationship with Hadley and it was tough seeing how Hadley would shut him down various times.

Hadley and Sam's relationship was so cute and bitter-sweet. Sam was struggling with hiding the truth to Hadley that it was tearing him up inside. But when these two were together, I would be so giddy to read more from them. They were just so perfect for each other. In their relationship, trust was put to the test and once again, it was tough and my heart was broken for them.

I'm freaking swaying on my feet here and it's not because she's standing close enough that I can see the flecks of amber in her dark eyes or even that I'm tired of keeping secrets. It's because I want her closer.

This story is told in dual POV (Hadley and Sam), which made it easier to connect with the characters because you can read how each one is feeling. I also love how the characters are flawed and real. It was so much easier to connect with them. This story had a beautiful and eloquent prose. It had so many brilliant quotes!

I guess the world really does end with a whimper. A whole lot of quiet, a million things left unsaid until it's too late to say them.

Overall, this was a marvelous, heart-breaking and captivating novel on learning to forgive.

I received an eARC for free from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.This 4.5 latte review was originally posted on Latte Nights Reviews.

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  • Started reading
  • 17 April, 2016: Finished reading
  • 17 April, 2016: Reviewed