Wildcat Fireflies by Amber Kizer

Wildcat Fireflies

by Amber Kizer

Teenaged Meridian Sozu, a half-human, half-angel link between the living and the dead known as a Fenestra, hits the road with Tens, her love and sworn protector, in hopes of finding another person with Meridian's ability to help souls transition safely into the afterlife.

Reviewed by Hixxup on

3 of 5 stars

Alright so this book was just a little hard to get into. It could be the fact that it was a few years after the first book came out that the sequel was released, and I finally got around to reading it that a lot of what happened in the first book I had completely forgotten. But luckily for the book while reading it, it did become more interesting, at least enough for me to finish the book. Yes I will be continuing on with the series because I have to know what happens next and at the end of the book, it got really interesting and intriguing. The best part of this book, was that the main characters little trio of girl, young man, and wolf, was expanded in some details, but more to come on that as I read the next book in the series.

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  • Started reading
  • 20 December, 2014: Finished reading
  • 20 December, 2014: Reviewed