Defending the Galaxy by Maria V Snyder

Defending the Galaxy (Sentinels of the Galaxy, #3)

by Maria V Snyder

Year 2522. Oh. My. Stars.

Junior Officer Ara Lawrence here, reporting for duty. Again. It's situation critical for the security team and everyone in the base - including my parents - with a new attack from the looters imminent, a possible galaxy-wide crime conspiracy and an unstoppable alien threat. But this all pales in the face of my mind-blowing discovery about the Q-net. Of course, no one believes me. I'm not sure I believe me. It could just be a stress-induced delusion. That's what my parents seem to believe...

Their concern for me is hampering my ability to do my job....

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Reviewed by Jordon on

5 of 5 stars


This series as a whole has been one of my favourite series I've ever read.

Sentinels of the Galaxy has been a series that has appealed to my scientific heart. It's made me wish I had taken more than one semester of Astrophysics at Uni, because damn, the science was just so interesting. Seeing Einstein's theory of special relativity, the history of the Terracotta Warriors, and the imagination of creative writing come together, blew my mind. This series was brilliant! It was a mix of science fiction with history and a bit of YA romance.

The last book in the series Defending the Galaxy was an exciting conclusion, it did not disappoint. The book starts not long after where the story left off in book two, except I felt immediately drawn in as if I was reading a new story with new problems for the protagonist to overcome. That's one thing I loved about every book in this series, it was one plot, but you didn't feel exhausted reading the next book, you felt like you were getting a fresh story but with the same character. There was a lot of action, there were personal issues that Ara had to overcome as well as end-of-the-galaxy issues, and there were plot twists that I hadn't expected at all. I didn't want to put the book down.

The way each book in this series was written was a stream of consciousness. As in, you felt like you were in the characters head, and you were there with them trying to figure out the problems they faced. I have come to discover I really love this style of storytelling, I also really loved it in The Martian by Andy Weir (Which is one of my favourite books ever). This kind of writing really made the pace of the story feel exciting, you were always in the middle of exactly what was happening at that moment.

Overall, I adored this series Sentinels of the Galaxy and I adored this book Defending the Galaxy. It was a wild ride and I devoured each book as fast as I could. I highly recommend it if you like sci-fi or science, enjoy a bit of history, and want to read YA. This is one solid YA series.

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Reading updates

  • 24 December, 2020: Started reading
  • 24 December, 2020: on page 0 0%
  • 24 December, 2020: 1% done 1%
    Turns out there are three books in this series! I'm so happy because I'm really loving this series.
  • 26 December, 2020: 70% done 70%
    I love how each book in this series feels like it has its own story and Ara is dealing with different issues, yet they connect to each other for the over-arching plot. It's safe to say I am loving this book.
  • 11 January, 2021: 100% done 100%
    I can't believe this amazing series is over!
  • 11 January, 2021: Finished reading
  • 11 January, 2021: Reviewed