Reviewed by inlibrisveritas on

4 of 5 stars

*May Contain Spoilers for Vol. 1*

So A Troubled Mind is a solid follow up to the first 5 issues, with Doc-Spidey setting the record straight on just who Spiderman is now. He’s now a superhero with the capability to think as a super villian, which makes more efficient and more resourceful than before…and thanks to Doc’s obsession with being better than Peter he’s also working on finishing up Peter’s Doctorate. In some ways he is a better superhero, he finishes what he starts and he weighs what is actually important over what Peter might have prioritized. However, because he’s willing to go to lengths (such as nearly beating someone to death) he’s also damaging Peter’s good guy reputation.

I loved seeing the Avengers rip into him, but I’m also disappointed they didn’t try harder. Doc-Spidery and Peter are also fighting for control and I loved seeing that whole situation play out, and thanks to the overall spoilers of the Marvel Universe I know I have more coming up in the future comics. However despite knowing the end-game I’m really excited to see how it’ll all play out and just far Doc-Spidey will go to prove that he is in fact Superior.

* Spoilers Over *

This is definitely a solid issue with only a few moments of text dumping and slow pacing. I can’t wait to continue this one!

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  • 20 August, 2014: Finished reading
  • 20 August, 2014: Reviewed