Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

3.5 Cocktails.

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This review was originally posted on Cocktails and Books

STARDUST DESTINY is Nazarea Andrews retelling of the story of Helen of Troy. The woman who's face launched a thousand ships and caused a huge war. Except in this telling, the story involves the mob and not the Greek Gods.

Ileana is the beautiful daughter used as a pawn in an attempt to keep piece among the major crime families across the globe. Paris is the second son of a Mexican drug cartel head. Both are meant to do what their families dictate, but a chance meeting one night leads to Illy and Paris to buck their responsibilities and fight for what they want.

STARDUST DESTINY was different. I liked the mob aspect to this classic story. It played in well in this retelling. It was believable that Illy would be used as a pawn for peace. Basically sold to the highest bidder to not only ensure her family's standing and increase their power. And then there was Paris. The playboy who's only role in his family's drug empire was to do as he was told and look pretty. But the two of them together discover they can only trust each other as they Illy tries to claim her birthright and Paris works to make her his.

If you're looking for something a little different, this might be one to pick up. This wasn't my favorite of Nazarea Andrews, but it was still a solid story and has me intrigued as to what comes next for this hero and heroine.

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  • 17 February, 2016: Reviewed
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  • 17 February, 2016: Reviewed