Tangled Threads by Jennifer Estep

Tangled Threads (Elemental Assassin, #4)

by Jennifer Estep

An assassin has come to Ashland to murder Gin Blanco, the renowned killer known as the Spider. Ever since she declared war on Mab Monroe, the ruthless head of the Ashland underworld, she's had a target on her back. Mab wants her dead in the worst kind of way, which is why she's hired Elektra LaFleur. LaFleur is just as ruthless as Gin, and has electrical elemental magic that equals Gin's Ice and Stone power. Complicating matters is the fact that Mab's kidnapped an innocent young girl. For Gin, finding her is priority number oneā€¦ but surviving is a close second.

Reviewed by Hixxup on

4 of 5 stars

This book was quite interesting, Gin also known as the assassin the Spider has declared war on the most notorious person in Ashland. The Fire Elemental Mab Monroe, the women who had done such tragic things to her family in the past. This story starts off a little bit maybe a few weeks already passed, and Gin and Finn her Foster brother, are staking out another one of Mab's henchmen, only to find out that there is a new player in town. One who is an assassin just like Gin who goes by the name Lafluer. So during this book, there's more action, more killing, more of Gin getting the ever loving crap beaten out of her. But also there's more puzzles being solved, and love and familial bonds being set in stone even more or blossoming. This series is quite shaping up to be a must read for me.

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  • Started reading
  • 13 November, 2013: Finished reading
  • 13 November, 2013: Reviewed