Reviewed by Sam@WLABB on

4 of 5 stars

I love romance books. I love sports books. I really love sports romance books, and Lane did a fantastic job with Alejandro and Maddie's story. Alex was sometimes a jerk in Blocked, but the reasons behind his behaviors are revealed as we read the story from his POV.

Alex was struggling with so many things in his past and present, and along came Maddie. She, too, was struggling with issues from her past and her present, and together, they found some peace. I loved them together. They had many similarities, but enough differences to keep the relationship interesting.

Due to Alejandro and Lucia's father's job, there is naturally political issues raised. Lane actually touched upon many hot button issues, but I thought she did a good job of presenting both sides.

One of the things I love about companion novels, is that I get to see what past characters are up to. It was great to see where Lucia and Dane, and Alison and China were in their love lives. It was great to see how other relationships, Lucia and Alex, Dane and Alex, had evolved too.

Although I was sad that the story was done before and there were still pages to read, I was sort of excited to see it was Mateo's story. Looking forward to reading more in this series.

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  • Started reading
  • 9 December, 2015: Finished reading
  • 9 December, 2015: Reviewed