Yotsuba&!: Vol 2 by Kiyohiko Azuma

Yotsuba&!: Vol 2

by Kiyohiko Azuma

Ohhhhh! Yotsuba's back! Today, Yotsuba was drawing Jumbo, okay? That's Daddy's REALLY, REALLY BIG friend. He's real nice and I guess a big baby. But he's too big to draw in Yotsuba's sketchbook! So Yotsuba drew Jumbo on the street in front of our house! Cool, huh? But Ena's friend Miura, who has wheels on her feet, said Yotsuba was bad at drawing...she's wrong, right? RIGHT!?

Reviewed by Bookstooge on

5 of 5 stars


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 Yotsuba&! Vol. 2


Yotsuba&! #2


 Kiyohiko Azuma


 5 of 5 Stars












Chapter List:

Yotsuba & Drawing

Yotsuba & Revenge

Yotsuba & Cake

Yotsuba & Donmai

Yotsuba & the Pool

Yotsuba & the Frog

Yotsuba & Asagi's Gifts





My Thoughts:


Ahhh, this was just what I needed. After the previous week having been such a mess, reading this Saturday morning was perfect. I laughed, I laughed and then I laughed some more. Not uproariously, not side-splittingly kind of laughing, but a continual amusement and fluffy kind of laugh.




The above picture is a chapter where Yotsuba is watching a gangster tv show with her dad and Jumbo and sees a gangster kill someone. She then proceeds to squirt gun her dad and Jumbo to death and then switches characters to hunt down the person who killed her beloved dad and friend. She goes next door and kills all of the girls next door, except for the eldest, Asagi, who ends up killing Yotsuba. The chapter ends with Yotsuba admitting to her dad and Jumbo that she failed to avenge them and died. Jumbo moralizes that nothing good ever comes from revenge.


I am finding that Azuma is able to do a ton of world building and character sketches in just a couple of panels. It is rather amazing. It gives the manga a bit of depth that makes it easier to digest. It also makes this re-read possible and future re-reads a real possibility, if not a sure thing.




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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 26 October, 2020: Finished reading
  • 26 October, 2020: Reviewed